Top u p OVO via ATM BCA and Mandery : Kitaswara

How  to get the top u p P OVo in different ways by 2020  Alphamat 2020

There  are plenty of options  you can   use  when raising your  balance or reaching the top of the OVO  .   Additionally, there  are many  other options with  credit  cards, ATMs, and grab drivers.

Considering that the OVO itself is one of the favorite digital wallets for users in Indonesia, it  is  relatively easy to balance.  Consumers don’t have  to worry about the difficulty of getting to the top  when  they’re cut off;   we just have to choose a few ways to explain the following steps  .

Some of the following  methods are also guaranteed safety:  Without passing through a  second  party, the OVO  collaborates  directly with the OVO For as long as  it is permanently done through performing merchants.  After   understanding  the security guarantee  ,  the OVO  balance  Here are a few  options that can be used  when  reduced.

First, how to make Top u p OVo in Alfamart 2020 or Booth

This first step is to need to go to  the nearest minimum or  the tent and do it, and the tent itself  can  sometimes be found in shops.  Inside, alpha-mart Tiru is sometimes found  around the city  of Chemu,  then choose  where it is closest to and follow these steps.

  1. Go to Keshia or Guardians

The first way  to top the OVO at  Alphamat 2020  is to  go directly to the lender or guardian.  H  immediately If  you can, immediately  disclose the list of names you want right away,  and the  guard must abide by the minimum amount.

  1. Payment and impression

Then the   officer or   the guard will be charged,  and after succeeding, Kamu can pay according to the  nominal list  .  As  evidence,  don’t forget  to save the previous payment,  especially if  Kamu is quite filled.

  1. Check account

Also don’t forget  to check   the  account to  see  if the OVO balance  isn’t; otherwise you can wait in Alpha Mart or until you enter the  tent, so if you don’t work for a long time, you can ask the officer directly.

OV at AlphaMat 2020  ,  particularly   for users who  do not really understand the use  of M-banking or ATMS How  to get to the top  is really easy, but  the minimum balance  to  fill  is   quite large. At least  to fill in the Rp50   A  compulsory place. 000,0 — if you do it via Alfamart.

OVO balance over via Debit card, 22 banks below

And users can balance through credit cards;   there are at  least 22 banks  out  there that  provide top e-money services  .  Starting with BCA, BRI, BRI, BRI, BRI, Maybank, DBS, DNmons, Dnamas, Sinarmas, Mega and many others.

The process     can be  performed directly by  an  ATM  machine, an   MBank, M-banking, or OVO  apk.  This method  itself can be different and depends on which bank to use.   There is nothing like how Alpha Mart will top OVO in 2020.

  1. Buka de Menu

First, run the plug that was previously installed on  your Android or iOS  smartphone, then  search and  click on  the “top” list The menu is  more accurate  at the top left.  If it is selected, the  user will be directed to the top page.

  1. Select

Before choosing the        method of payment, first fill in how much you want  .  Through  this method at least   nomination  is  RP10. 000– then  click  Debit Card.  The card number and  the CVV  must  also be checked first.

  1. Fill in the OTP Code

If the filled database is correct, Kamu will get a  code; use a code  or password (OTP) at a time to confirm the facts  correctly  ,  and then if there is no interruption  , a notification  will arrive  that this balance has increased.

Top u p OVO via ATM BCA and Mandery

It is then  almost similar to how topping the OVO by 2020. To be precise, visit  the   location of the  ATM machine  Through  the BCA and Mandiri ATM, we  will  provide an example of how to top up the N balance.

  1. Via ATM BCA

First enter  your card into the machine,  don’t forget to fill  in  the PIN,  then search for  the “other transactions” list.  Then the “Transfer” list Select and eventually select your “BCA Virtual account.” Fill in the OVO code for the BCA, “39358”, and follow your phone number.

Now is the time to fill in how much you want to name. Note that at least it’s Rp20. 000 — for each deal.  After filling in, follow the back  until the balance  is  successfully  added.  You can   check your account first to make sure you work  before leaving the ATM  .

  1. Via Manderiri ATM, via Manderi ATM

Another way   to top the OVO at  Alphamat 2020 is   through The Menderi ATM, which is almost identical to the BCA  Enter the first card and the PIN  first, then click on the “Pay/Buy” option.  Click again and  select the “e-commerce” option.    Fill in the symbol Mandarin, “6001.”

Then you  can satisfy  the  nominee you want. The   minimum balance allowed is  the same  as  the BCA,  which  is  RP20. 000— Then  follow  the back until the balance successfully logs into your OVO account.  Make sure you don’t go first. So if you don’t log in successfully,  I can repeat the upper steps.

Direct hit-and-run driver above OVOV

The last step  you can take is  through both the Grab car and the Grab Bike. How to top the OVO at Alfamart 2020 It’s also one of the favorites of this digital wallet, because the levels are practical and uninterrupted.

You  can do it when using Grab Bike or Grab Bike services.  Order the delivery driver at the time  , and then  you still need  to open it first  , and then select the Top Up option. The specific location is at the bottom of a purple movie.

After successfully opening the list, fill in the list of identification lists, not least  the  nominal identity itself  is IDR 10,000,-.  In terms of  the maximum  name list, it will depend on the balance that the current driver has in his cash  purse. Then click to move on to the next step.

Of course,  if the  balance is  adjusted,  print  it, and eventually you can give money to the driver.  Of course, the  price will be consistent with your balance  nominee. This method  is  certainly practical with the use of Grub’s services.

Through drivers  or ATM  machines  ,  the top OVO method in Alphamat  can be used.  It is  the easiest and most practical choice Additionally,  you can do  this by taking into account at least  the  balance. If you want to fill in a little, you can choose from the driver.

It is a safety   guarantee,  especially as long as you are   sure  that the balance is entered before  you  leave the supplement.   When using the  top OVO method,  don’t forget to save  the payment,  so there is evidence later when the indictment fails.   Yes, there is.

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