Samsat Jabbar Application  for e-payment : Jagad

Samsat  serves to pay West Java online taxes

SAMSAT West Java is a  public facility that is often visited by the people of West Java province for a variety of purposes|  The facility  serves various processes relating to  payment of motor vehicle tax and other matters related to it  |

During a pandemic like now, most public facilities  offer non-face or online services to perform a wide variety of  services  |   This includes services provided to SAMSAT,  West Java province  | the public  can pay STNK through an online  process and  are paid by  transfer|

 Samsat’s online service  in West Java

Residents  of the West Java system community  can afford the tax process online in the  present era|   This will make it easier for you as you  do not need to go directly to the office | has a special application  and it is meant  to pay motor vehicle tax in its annual period  |

This method is  very useful for all residents of the province of West  Java because  the features in the application are actually fully provided|   Samsat in West Java aims to avoid crowds and  now  prevent the spread of the widespread coronavirus   .  Online payments can be made by  Samsat West Java with easy processes such as:

  1. Request a payment code

First,  do an  SMS until  you get a payment code.  KAmu can do it in two ways|   First, you can get  it via  SMS via Samsat Gateway|   Secondly, you can access Sambara.  This app  can be easily downloaded to your smartphone.

  1. Make a payment

The next step  to pay annual taxes  on    motor  vehicles is  to process the transfer|   You have to pay immediately as  it is  valid up to 24 hours after you make the first move.

  1. authentic

Paying online   you don’t have to go to SAMSAT|   But still,  after the  payment process is completed, the exchange and approval of the new STNK still needs to be done in Samsat  |   The maximum limit  set by Samsat after 30 days of payment by you  .

Everything  can be  done easily  and quickly without going to the SAMSAT office  |   Everyone can easily be done using only the apps in smartphones|   To  validate samsat  after paying taxes,  don’t forget to bring your original KTP  and original STNK  |

Samsat Jabbar Application  for e-payment

In this case Samsat West  Java provides exceptional service to all residents of West Java West Java|   They offer tax payment and approval services in an easy way|  The application used  in making this payment has been  named e-Samsat.

You  can get a lot of benefits if  you use the app  |   If  the inhabitants of West Java province use West Java e-SAMSAT  , some things will be obtained:

  1. Abstaining from enrollment

That’s  right, in an era that has improved as it is now, the case of candidacy happens everywhere  |   It could also be in Samsat’s office  | you can also meet the scalpers before you get there|   In fact, paying with scalpers would cost more funds than paying directly in Samsat, West Java|

  1. Make payments through ATM

Making a payment  with  an ATM  is  the most modern and  easy way|  It can be done by anyone|   In fact, ATMs have spread widely to remote villages.  If you make SAMSAT payment using an online application then you can make payments through ATM.

  1. Corruption of tax revenues can be avoided

No one  will ever know  that corruption can be committed by various parties  including samsat paksha.  When making payments with the online process, it is similar that you participate in eliminating corruption in motor vehicle tax revenues for  the state  |

  1. Paying taxes can be done on time

There are many reasons why people are paying  taxes  so late|   For example, because you don’t have  time to go back to your city because of paying taxes or  being   in line.   But using the application from Samsat,  payments can be made on time|

Online Tax Payment Terms Samsat West Java

In making payments on SAMSAT online,  the relevant parties set a variety of policies that need to be followed. If  the policy is not met, you will not be able to make online payments.  Below is to do and prepare for some important things for you |

  1. Valid vehicles

What is understood  by  the West Java Samsat here is that  the vehicle is in legal condition  and not in block status | if  the vehicle is in a position to block ownership, online tax cannot be paid.

  1. Valid for paying annual tax

In this case the  tax payment  using an online application  is applicable only for annual payments|   However, for a 5-year payment  or while  changing the vehicle plate  , you need to come directly to the SAMSAT office.

  1. Keep a savings account

Because in this case the payment  is  made using an ATM  , the taxpayer must have an account number or ATM|

  1. personal

Payments  in these cases  can only be made by individual taxpayers and not by institutions or social entities  |

  1. Has an active phone number

In  making payments using an online process in Samsat West Java, it is explained above that you  have to get a payment code | therefore, the taxpayer must have an active phone number to get the payment code  .

Services that can be samsungd in  West Java

Like Samsat in different provinces of the country  , The West Java Samsat also offers a variety of public services that you can find|   All  services as far as possible  shall be rendered  by the parties involved|  Generally, here are the services that you will be able to do through this office.

  1. Motor Vehicle  Service

In this case, the Samsat of West Java has a function for the Dispenda service | people can pay name fees  or  pay  motor  vehicle tax at the office|

  1. police action

The police action here means doing a job in identifying the stolen motor vehicle|   Ranmore, Regent can identify  the new  Ranmore Extension to remove  the Samsat Ranmore  number  and others|

  1. Manage traffic accident donations

The offices of each province in  collaboration with  PT Jassa Raharaja  can get mandatory coverage funds for passenger accidents along with  mandatory donations for road traffic accident fund  |   .

The variety of services  rendered by the office team  will actually  make it easier for people to do their activities|    All members of parliament will assist the bank in carrying out their work.

The various options  given  should actually be used as intelligently as possible  |   Everyone can do their activities more easily so that the activities can go on smoothly|   In this case, Samsat west Java provides services according to their respective regions to facilitate their operations|

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