How to Easily Verify Your BCA Credit Card BillsWith This: GTEKNO

How to Easily Verify Your BCA Credit Card BillsWith This

If you  usually use swipe payments, it is very important to know how to check your BCA credit card bills.   It is used to expect the amount of increasing debt due to late payments or excessive use. Especially for BCA customers, this is very important so as not to break into a large amount of pockets.

We all understand and know that this bank is the issuer of credit card services with various attractive promotional offers. That is why many people register to receive the card. however, the user must be economical and careful, do not waste too much so that the card is borderline and runs out.

The above incident often  occurs when  you   don’t see  the number of credit card bills regularly. So that the arrears are getting higher, especially since the bills are constantly growing, because the interest on the debt is constantly increasing. It is important  to  know how  to look at the bill so that the debt during payment does not increase constantly.

Use *141# Service  easily

It should be noted that it is now easier for users  to verify BCA credit card bills. One of them uses *141# service access. Such a  step  is really the easiest way, because it is only necessary to press the digit and follow the steps. So that all full uses are immediately visible.

The first step is to make a call on *141#, and thenfollow section n. In Tara, the stage moves to number 2.  that is, in the BCA type, the credit card is still  pressed.  On the screen you need to press the number 2, which is the bill.   At this stage,  there is a separate choice  based on the knowledge of one or more credit card ownership.

It is understandable that the  way to verify BCA credit card accounts with this option  can be used with more than just one use. If you have 2 cards, then change the settings by pressing the single-card billing menu. If you have selected more than one combined, then all sizes can be found immediately.

One thing is important when using this method, that is, that you need to correctly enter the 16-digit credit card number. Improper entry into the number leads to the formation of cases of numerous failures. Therefore, make sure that all the numbers  are actually  entered  according to the numbers listed  on your  personal credit card.

Use short messages on mobile

In addition to using the *141 #a, there is the following option to verify your bCA credit card account from the short message service, but before that  you need to take the steps to register at an  ATM  .   The goal is to activate the c redit  card number, as well as the mobile phone number  used for SMS.

The whole  model is  to enter a private ATM , do not forget to press the digits of  the secret PIN code.  On the ATM screen, use  it  as an e-banking  registration  method  , then press the button to use a short BCA message. Enter  the total personal  number  of the code to access  the four-digit combination  . Select the last step in the menu  as  okay approval.

Meanwhile, the  process of verifying BCA credit card bills  directly  by entering the billing option. This means that customers must enter  a billing option  (access code), such as a right (Bill 5678). If you use a credit card, it’s just a kind of spas account  to get access to the place’s customer number. Let’s just say 9876543210134567  7891 bill.

This process is a simple option,  since it is not necessary to access the ATM after registration. Only through the mobile phone can you see the account size on their card. So you can be more vigilant about how much money has been used. Remember until the limit runs out, because interest in using it increases when used constantly.

Take a look at KlikBCA’s facilities

The   facility’s recent development  could also be used as a way to verify BCA credit card bills.   The  client should be aware of the cliqueBCA service, which through  open services on the  Internet. This option makes it easier for users as it can be opened anywhere using the website.

The steps actually used are short messages that were previously made by registering on the official website of the bank.   After all the processes are completed, the bill on the leg is  clearly visible. So that all dependents can prepare before entering the payment period. In addition, users are also more thorough.

the  next way to verify your BCA credit card bills is www  . select the login to the menu  exactly on  personal banking. Surely you know your personal identity and password by heart.  Fill in both and click on your  credit card information.  The menu includes a billing option. Press, then all sizes are immediately clearly defined.

The choice is really a bit difficult for some people. But it really makes it easier for customers or card users to see how much money they are using. You also know the data more clearly. If you are an active rnet user, it is very useful because it is faster, more convenient and as needed

It can be easier with M-banking

Another way to check BCA credit card accounts  when it comes to using the strong internet is mobile  banking.  Convenience is that it can be installed via android. We know that today almost everyone has a smartphone that helps their activities. One of them is to verify the account to use a credit card.

Therefore, you must first install the m-BCA application. Then contact the bank for registration. After all the steps of registration are done correctly, easy access to Android is clearly visible through the palm of your hand. So the process is getting faster and faster. in addition, the privacy of users is regulated more securely.

After completing all the steps, you can easily view the invoice. that is, first open the application and enter the username and password.   Inside there is another menu  , press the transaction button.   then enter  the card tickets you want to  check. Do not forget to enter a special PIN code   for  BCA mobile holders.

While it is simple, users still need to maintain the security of the app. The goal is to keep the accounts confidential. In addition, it avoids unwanted events. To ensure that all transactions are secure and the costs are even checked by credit card, as the fastest way to pay out personal payments.

CheckHaloBCA andVIRA services

Another way to check  the amount  is to use the BCA hallo facility. All  you need is a phone call to the 500888 number, there are officers who are always responsive. So, it focuses directly on the payment process. Although you use regular credit, it is not clear how much  the card is used.   Next, prepare the cash payment process.

For active internet social media users  , such as FB, Google Talk, line and the like. BCA currently has a service called VIRA. This service allows you to contact a courier service.  Several steps need to be taken so that the process runs smoothly, without  the  slightest obstacle  during access.

With VIRA,   you can easily view bills  before you  need to  register  your mobile phone at an ATM.  The receipt is used as a private access key through various social media platforms belonging to customers.

If the OTP already exists, open the private app. this means that you must have a social media account as well as an official BCA account link. Such as FB to BCA or other platforms. Then activate VIRA by entering otp. Checking BCA credit card bills makes it easy to view the size of your personal accounts.

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